(In this image we show you how this packet is composed)
How does the ping work? In which port is it connected?. Ping works like ICMP, ICMP is part of the network layer (IP, routes, its objective is to make information to come from its origin to its destination), this layer is below the transport layer and works with routers. In the terminal, we can see ping by writing the command ping [ip adress], once that this is done, we can see constant messages of sent or lost packages.
Here we show you how a PING works
///request Ping() ping.txt validate() verify structure execute() do ping->send receive_ans(answer) validate() if answer = true{ echo “Connected” } else{ echo “Not Connected” } ////anwer receive_request() validate(request) if request = true{ answer->send }
PING Image
+1 N3T